#DISPLAY('The browse procedure can select a record to be processed by an update procedure. If you enter an update procedure, "Insert", "Change", and "Delete" buttons will be placed in the browse window.'),AT(90,8,235,24)
#PROMPT('A&llow the user to update records',CHECK),%QuickBrowsePromptAllowUpdate,AT(90,,180,14),DEFAULT(1)
#DISPLAY('You may use the default update procedure name, or you may specify your own procedure name. To use the default name, leave the Update Procedure blank.'),AT(90,,235,24)
#DISPLAY('Now that you''ve specified an update procedure, you might want your users to be able to call the update by clicking the right mouse button on a list box item, rather than using the edit buttons alone.'),AT(90,8,235,24)
#PROMPT('&Call update using popup menu',CHECK),%QuickBrowsePromptUpdatePopupMenu,AT(90,,180),DEFAULT(1)
#TAB('Browse Wizard - Child Files'),FINISH(1)
#DISPLAY('If this browse has one to many relations with any other files in the data dictionary, buttons can be provided to access the child files.'),AT(90,8,235,24)
#PROMPT('&Provide buttons for child files',CHECK),%QuickBrowsePromptChildHandling,DEFAULT(1),AT(90,,180)
#DISPLAY('If the Record Key that you specified to use as the Access Key is the key used in a Many:1 relation, (In other words, this file is a child of another file) how do you want the selection of the parent record to take place?'),AT(90,8,235,24)
#PROMPT('&Parent Record Selection:',OPTION),%QuickBrowsePromptParentHandling,DEFAULT('Select parent record via button'),AT(90,40,235)
#PROMPT('Do not select by parent record',RADIO),AT(100,,140)
#PROMPT('Select parent record via button',RADIO),AT(100,,140)
#PROMPT('Assume that the parent record is active',RADIO),AT(100,,140)
#TAB('Browse Wizard - Select Button'),FINISH(1)
#DISPLAY('A browse procedure can be used to lookup a record for an entry field. If used for this purpose, the browse window should include a "Select" button.'),AT(90,8,235,24)
#PROMPT('&Provide a "Select" button',CHECK),%QuickBrowsePromptSelectButton,DEFAULT(1),AT(90,,180)
#TAB('Browse Wizard - Finally...')
#DISPLAY('If you are creating new procedures with names that already exist in your application, the old procedures can be overwritten or the new procedures can be suppressed.'),AT(90,8,235,24)